Routines That Work with Your Child’s ADHD, Not Against It

Aug 02, 2024

Structure and routines are essential for children with ADHD, yet maintaining them can be incredibly challenging. You might have established routines that worked for a while, but then, like clockwork, they fall apart. The key lies in understanding what derails your child from maintaining these routines.


During the self-awareness phase, we’ll identify the patterns that disrupt your child's consistency. By understanding what’s happening inside their mind, we can learn to disrupt these patterns and help them stay on track with their routines.


Effective routines create predictability, reduce anxiety, and improve focus. This means smoother mornings, less stressful homework times, and seamless bedtimes.


Your Focus Forward ADHD life coach will work with your child to unpack the obstacles preventing consistency with routines. Together, we’ll make the necessary adjustments to establish and maintain structure and consistency in your child’s life.

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