Set Goals That Align with Your Child’s ADHD

Aug 01, 2024

Have you set goals with your child, only to see them never followed through? It’s frustrating to watch them have great intentions but no consistency or change, despite all your efforts and incentives. You might have even broken the goals down into smaller steps, yet they still go unmet.


The missing piece is often in how we approach goal-setting for children with ADHD. It’s not as simple as saying, "Here’s the goal, and here are the steps." We need to build on the self-awareness we’ve developed and integrate it into our goal-setting process.


Here’s the key: we need to anticipate what might throw us off track and plan for those moments. Sometimes, in the journey toward a goal, we need to pause and address the issues causing us to veer off course. This is a crucial part of achieving goals with ADHD.


We need to set achievable and meaningful goals, incorporating self-awareness and regular evaluation to understand what’s working and what’s not. This allows us to address obstacles as they arise.


It is possible for someone with ADHD to set and achieve goals consistently. Your child can become someone who follows through on their intentions by combining self-awareness, evaluation, and action.


This is what your Focus Forward ADHD life coach will work on with your child, guiding them through a process that ensures success.


Your child can set and achieve goals that fit their unique brain. 


Together, we can make it happen.

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