Lacking Self-Awareness

Jul 31, 2024

Have you ever thought or even said, "My child has little to no self-awareness"?


That is often true for children with ADHD, and it's a crucial first step in their journey to success. Self-awareness is the key to unlocking their potential.


Understanding what is going on inside their minds—what thoughts they’re having, what emotions they’re feeling, and the reasons behind their actions—helps us move out of chaos and into clarity. This self-awareness piece is essential. We gather this information to develop a plan tailored specifically to your child’s needs.


Right now, it might feel like you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall, trying different strategies without knowing if they’ll work. Instead, we need to figure out exactly what’s happening inside your child’s brain. From there, we can start making meaningful changes.


You don't have to do this alone. In fact, working with a Focus Forward ADHD life coach who specifically specializes in ADHD, is your fast track to getting results. Your coach works with your child to understand their unique brain, create a plan, and execute it together. This plan won’t work seamlessly at first, but we will identify and address the hiccups, adding pieces to the puzzle as we go.


This is how lifelong changes are made. This is how we transition ADHD from your child’s kryptonite to their superpower.


Understanding your child's thoughts, feelings and the why behind their actions is how we understand their specific ADHD. 

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